Dreaming and Inner Alchemy Masterclasses

These are free classes about Dreaming, Dreamwork, Dream Interpretation. Inner alchemy practices like Energy, Sound Healing, Emotional Transformation, Chanting.

Dreaming the Soul Back Home with Robert Moss: Most of us think of dreams as barely remembered, passive nocturnal entertainment. But around the world, shamans have pioneered a more powerful, valuable and fascinating way to approach dreaming: seeing it as a time for transformation, healing and getting guidance from higher levels of reality. It’s literally the time in which our souls speak to us and we can access a multidimensional reality. These ancient practices have increasingly been validated by modern science, which has recognized the ability for us to gain full lucidity and self-awareness in the Dreamtime — opening the possibility for new adventures in consciousness. Robert Moss, bestselling author of Dreaming the Soul Back Home, plus 13 other books on the transformative power of dreams, has created a FREE virtual workshop called: The Power of Active Dreaming: How to Use Your Dreamtime for Healing and Transformation. Robert is a brilliant and fascinating teacher on this subject, opening up a real paradigm shift in how you view your dreams, your soul, and even the way you view waking reality. During this virtual workshop, you’ll learn:
– How you can use Active Dreaming to perceive your future more accurately and receive valuable guidance for decision-making
– How you can open up your dreams for a direct connection with guides, giving you access to deeper spiritual awareness
– How you can re-enter dreamscapes and continue the journey to gain access to wisdom and healing A shamanic perspective on how you can use dreams as a form of “medicine” to illuminate what is going on in your body or life

Sacred Vibrational Frequencies with Jonathan Goldman: Jonathan Goldman, the foremost pioneer in the field of harmonics, will share the powerful vibrational medicine of the tuning fork — and how self-created sounds such as humming can transform stress into self-empowerment — during a FREE video event, Sound Healing Through Humming and Tuning Forks.