Shamanism Free Masterclasses

Enjoy these Shamanism free masterclasses. Please register for each class that you’d like to attend.

Shamanic Journeying for Guidance & Healing with Sandra Ingerman : What if you could enter a parallel world to receive accurate guidance on the life situations you’re facing? Well, if you have the skills for accessing a higher form of consciousness… you can! Through a practice called shamanic journeying, you can seek and receive this type of guidance and healing for yourself and others. If you’re interested in learning this powerful skill, you won’t want to miss a free, virtual event with Sandra Ingerman, world-renowned teacher of shamanism, called: The Healing Power of Shamanic Journeying: How to Access Inner Guidance from Helping Spirits. During this free virtual event, you’ll discover:
– Why shamanism is relevant to our modern culture and can improve the quality of your life emotionally, mentally and physically
– How shamans view emotional and physical illness (this is fascinating and empowering information!)
– How to harness the power of ceremony to create healing and spark transformation

The Universal Shaman with don Oscar Miro-Quesada: Shamans of every ancient culture have opened the portals to a deeper wisdom that resides in each moment. However, shamanism isn’t just for the ancients! Today, anyone who chooses can benefit from this wisdom that can powerfully and intimately connect us simultaneously with both Earth and Sky, bridge inner and outer worlds, and expand our capacity to heal our lives. Internationally known and respected Peruvian shamanic healer and transpersonal psychologist, don Oscar Miro-Quesada, co-author of Lessons in Courage, is featured on a new virtual workshop from The Shift Network called: Puma Medicine: Transforming Your Awareness with Shamanic Power.

The Gifts of Celtic Shamanism with Jane Burns: Do the lush, green lands of Ireland call to you with their healing energies of the ancestors… ancient Gods and Goddesses… and the Bards, Druids, and fairies of Celtic history and lore? These energies, the stories of these lands, and the practices inspired by Celtic shamanism offer us a medicine to bring us back home… to our true Self. They help us reach beyond the mundane and overwhelm of our stressful modern lives and be more attentive, present, and receptive to the beauty and wisdom of the land… Shamanic teacher and healer Jane Burns will help you discover myth and ritual to evoke the ancient medicine of Celtic shamanism —and open you to the wonder, wisdom, and wildness of both the natural world and your own inner landscape — during a FREE video event, The Gifts of Celtic Shamanism: Living from Gratitude, Courage, Generosity & Wonder.